Hispanic Trump Supporter Racially Profiled By ICE, Can’t Believe It

This post was originally published on this site

In today’s edition of FAFO, meet Jensy Machado. Hispanic, immigrant, Trump supporter.

Jensy is a naturalized immigrant, so he thought he was one of the “good ones” that Trump and ICE would love! I mean, he voted for Trump, he probably has a MAGA red hat and Trump flags and he even has a Trump bumper sticker! He is ALL ON THE TRUMP TRAIN (toot toot!).

Alas, that was not enough to stop him from being racially profiled by law enforcement for his brown skin.

See, Machado was stopped by law enforcement and DETAINED BY IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT (ICE) because they were looking for another brown Hispanic man on a deportation order and I guess he looked like the guy? Isn’t that what they say when the stop (and maybe murder) Black people?

Machado told NBC4 that he was driving to work on Wednesday in Virginia when he was stopped by ICE agents near his house. He was super confused by the situation.

He said: “And they just got out of the car with the guns in their hands and say, turn off the car, give me the keys, open the window, you know. Everything was really fast.”

The agent told him who they were looking for and told him that the person facing the deportation order had given them Machado’s address. Machado offered to show them his ID, which clearly did not have the name as they person they were looking for. They declined.

He went on to say: “They didn’t ask me for any ID. I was telling the officer, if I can give him ID, but he said just keep my hands up, not moving. After that, he told me to get out of the car and put the handcuffs on me. And then he went to me and said how did I get into this country and if I was waiting for a court date or if I have any case. And I told him I was an American citizen, and he looked at his other partner like, you know, smiling, like saying, can you believe this guy? Because he asked the other guy, ‘Do you believe him?’”

He was uncuffed and showed them his license (aka, his papers) and was released. The two other men with him were taken into custody. He does not know why.

Machado, a HISPANIC IMMIGRANT WHO SUPPORTED TRUMP, said that “the experience shook his faith in the immigration enforcement efforts of Trump, for whom he voted.”

He said: “Because, like I said, I was a Trump supporter. I voted for Trump last election, but, because I thought it was going to be the things, you know, like, … just go against criminals, not every Hispanic looking, like, that they will assume that we are all illegals.”

And then it clicked and you could almost see the lightbulb go off over he said: “That’s what they’re doing, now. They’re just following Hispanic people.”

I am reminded of this famous quote: The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. The axe was clever and convinced the trees that since his handle was made of wood, he was one of them.

Trump voters are the trees. And they cannot see that they are the mark for the axe.