Is It Time For Dems To Sell ‘Project 2029’?
This post was originally published on this site
This is not the time for Democratic breast-beating and self-blame. This is when Democrats should be talking about the destructiveness of what Republicans are doing.
That’s why I question whether Democrats should focus on developing a Project 2029, even one that’s less self-critical:
Apart from the fact that this is wildly ambitious and would be extremely difficult to enact, it takes the focus off the sheer destructiveness of what Republicans are doing now. Republicans are burning America to the ground. We have to focus on making certain that every American sees them pouring gasoline on the foundations and lighting a match. When it’s impossible to get help with Social Security problems, when people in the Plains states stop getting tornado warnings, when vaccines aren’t available for newly rampant diseases, Democrats need to point out who’s to blame. Pre-January 20 government might not have been perfect, but Democrats need to say that it was a hell of a lot better than the DOGEified government we have now.
Excerpted from No More Mister Nice Blog. Read the full post here.