Anti-vaxx Chronicles: COVID disinformation creates yet another orphan
This post was originally published on this site
Facebook is a menace. COVID-19 is a menace. Conservatism is a cesspool. Together, those three ingredients have created a toxic stew of malevolent death and devastation. We can talk about all those things in the abstract, look at the numbers and statistics, and catch the occasional whiff of seditionist right-wing rhetoric. But I hadn’t really fully understood just how horrifying that combination of right-wing extremism, Facebook, and a killer virus was until I became a regular at the Herman Cain Awards subreddit. This series will document some of those stories, so we are aware of what the other side is doing to our country.
Today’s cautionary tale was a pregnant Louisiana woman.
Yeah, not breathing COVID onto people as you walk past their tables is so dumb!
Look, no one is going to claim that indoor dining rules are perfect. They are a poor compromise between keeping people safe and not fully shutting down the economy. If the price to keep a restaurant in business is wearing a mask for an extra 10 seconds, who cares? The alternative is to fully shut it down.
No one said that, but if they did, we’d know who the real Karen was.
Who doesn’t want to be on that road! If the assholes vaccinated, we would’ve arrived by now.
I’ll never understand why masks broke conservatives. They think they’re so tough, accusing others of being snowflakes, yet a simple strip of cloth broke them.
There’s always that one ironic foreshadowing slide, isn’t there?
Research complete: Vaccinated people stay alive. Their children continue to have parents.
Gay couple: “We’d like a cake for our wedding.”
Conservatives: “NO. You don’t get to be treated differently!”
Gay couple: “Differently? But, we just want the exact same cake a straight couple would get.”
Conservatives: “Being gay doesn’t make you special!”
Then they fly the Confederate traitor flag because they think being white makes them special.
Smoking pot should not disqualify anyone from the Olympics, and the issue of trans athletes and the Olympics is complicated. But of course, Ben Shapiro isn’t trying to engage in a complex and evolving debate, but to be an anti-trans asshole.
She spent 6 years trying to get pregnant.
1) Donald Trump made bank off his presidency. We just saw how toothless the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause was.
2) He didn’t even donate all his salary, quitting in his last year because he didn’t get enough praise for his empty gesture.
3) The problem with Trump had nothing to do with whether he got paid or not. What a stupid notion. If Joe Biden donated his entire salary, would conservatives suddenly be like “okay, I’m aboard the Biden agenda!”
Oh no. Her mom has a timeline:
One day after shit-talking Biden for “doing nothing,” purposefully ignoring the successful rollout of the COVID vaccines, she tests positive for COVID. And by the timeline, she caught it at her high-turnout baby shower, likely attended by an entire crew of people bought into the “burn your mask” propaganda. And given their utter disregard for the effects of the pandemic, these reckless people showed up to a baby shower, with a pregnant woman, without taking any precautions.
As a result, they had to C-Section the baby, while mom fought for her life. And entire medical system mobilized trying to save her life, even airlifting her to a hospital with an ECMO machine.
The obligatory GoFundMe.
I can’t imagine spending SIX years trying to get pregnant, finally doing so, and then being so obtusely reckless in your behavior that you never get to hold that child, and that child will never get to know her mom.
I keep marveling at this dis- and misinformation machine, so powerful and effective that it has overridden parental instincts to protect their children at all costs. We’ve gone from “I will do anything to protect my child,” to “FREEDOM BILL GATES MICROCHIP BIG PHARMA GARBLE GARBLE” as yet another child is left orphaned.
It wouldn’t be hard to retain those parental protection instincts. So she doesn’t believe in masks. Okay! Then stay home! Acknowledge that there’s a deadly pathogen sweeping through your community (Louisiana has been hit particularly hard, the fourth highest COVID death rate in the country) and stay home. Then you don’t need to worry about any masks. You’re pregnant and have a doting mom. She can hook you up with groceries and other necessities. DON’T HAVE A BIG PARTY JUST BEFORE THE DUE DATE. In a pandemic, cavorting with other humans carries inherent risk. If you’re a bunch of Trump conservatives who refuse to vaccinate or mask, that risk is higher. Avoid it!
But no, she wouldn’t do any of that. And as a result, she never got to see her baby girl. What a stupidly avoidable end to an unnecessarily tragic story.