News Update: A Supreme Court leak signals the end of abortion rights in America

This post was originally published on this site

The Supreme Court leak of the draft opinion meant to erase abortion rights in this country rocked Washington, D.C., and the rest of the country, but for two different reasons. Most of the public strongly supports abortion rights and public fury is already rising as Americans learn of the planned decision and its Alito-written justification; most Republican lawmakers are in an absolute froth over the opinion being leaked before the Supreme Court revealed it publicly.

That froth is largely performative, in a town that hands out leaks like candy when it furthers partisan ends. But Republicans were far, far less eager to talk about the implications of overturning Roe in the face of widespread public opposition. That’s the problem with theocratic authoritarianism; it’s difficult to sell on the merits.

Here’s some of our extensive coverage:

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