Cheers and Jeers: Rum and Flying Fruit FRIDAY!

Cheers and Jeers: Rum and Flying Fruit FRIDAY! 1

This post was originally published on this site

Late Night Snark: Order in the Court Edition

“A judge in New York is holding former president Trump in contempt of court for failing to turn over documents, and he’s being fined $10,000 until he does. Trump’s actually trying to locate the documents right now. He’s going through his filing system of Buried, Shredded or Flushed.”
—Jimmy Fallon

“When Perjury…I mean Marjorie [Taylor Greene] was asked if she considered participating in the [Jan. 6] riot herself, she said it was on her calendar but she was too busy preparing her case against the electoral college vote totals. Which is like saying, I would’ve been at the wedding but I was too busy burning down the church.”
—Jimmy Kimmel, on the “Green Goblin’s” court testimony

So, are tweets self-driving now?
—Stephen Colbert via Twitter


You are now below the fold. Beware—there be fruit here.

“Republicans are sounding the alarm because masculinity is in danger! And taking the lead on this non-issue is Tucker Carlson. Tucker’s new documentary apparently claims that men are physically weaker than they used to be, which translates to weaker political leadership. Clearly he hasn’t seen Nancy Pelosi doing reps at Gold’s Gym. She can bench-press a McConnell and a half.”
—Samantha Bee

“Comedy doesn’t change the world, but it’s the bellwether. We’re the banana peel in the coal mine. When society is under threat, comedians are the ones who get sent away first. It’s not the ‘woke police’ that are going to be an existential threat to comedy. … It’s not the fragility of audiences. It’s the fragility of leaders. … Authoritarians are the threat to comedy, to art, to music, to thought, to poetry, to progress.”
—Jon Stewart, accepting his Mark Twain Prize for American Humor

1. Rich 2. Male 3. Narcissist 4. Is 5. Bored

— Full Frontal with Samantha Bee (@FullFrontalSamB) April 14, 2022

“Look, gas prices are a real concern. But Dr. Oz is worth over a hundred-million dollars. So it’s a little weird for him to act like it’s specifically straining his budget. He’s fucking rich. What he doesn’t get to do is stand in front of gas pumps and pretend like he’s personally affected by those numbers.”
—John Oliver, after posting a clip of cultist PA-Sen candidate Dr. Oz at a gas pump complaining about the “almost five bucks” price of gas

“House minority leader Kevin McCarthy led a group of Republicans on a visit to the US-Mexico border. But Ted Cruz wasn’t with them because he has no interest in only going halfway to Cancun.”
—Seth Meyers

And now, our feature presentation…

Cheers and Jeers for Friday, April 29, 2022

Note: C&J’s designated NSA tracker Bart will be monitoring us for the next 48 hours from inside the Maypole we set up next to the kiddie pool. He politely asks that you not bang on it with something large like a monkey wrench.  We politely ask that you do.  —Mgt.

By the Numbers:

7 days!!!

Days ’til the start of the Memorial Day weekend: 28

Days ’til the 18th annual Lavender Festival in Cherry Valley, California: 7

Percent of Americans nationally who have been infected with Covid-19: 58%

Percent of Mainers who have been infected: 35%

Age of Lucile Randon, a French nun who is the oldest Covid-19 survivor and also the new oldest living person in the world: 118

Number of individual parts and tools offered by the new Apple online shop, which allows users to finally repair their own iPhones if they want: 200

Amount Boeing lost on their deal with the Trump White House for a pair of new 747 Air Force Ones because Boeing management apparently consists of big dumb MAGA suckers: $1.1 billion

Puppy Pic of the Day: Dad makes the switcheroo maneuver look easy…

CHEERS to soaking the rich. Where once they chugged the finest cognac and screwed the most expensive whores in the most opulent of palaces and on the most palatial of yachts, today the Russian oligarchs are chugging Alka Seltzer and popping Prozac as they watch their toys and fortunes get seized by governments not happy with their master’s invasion of Ukraine. It’s so unfair!!!  And it’s about to get worse:

The White House released the outlines of what it calls a new comprehensive legislative package around Ukraine that includes provisions to “streamline the process for seizure of oligarch assets, expand the assets subject to seizure, and enable the proceeds to flow to Ukraine,” the White House said. […]

Cheers and Jeers: Rum and Flying Fruit FRIDAY! 2
Bid early, bid often. All proceeds go directly to the Kick Putin’s Ass Fund.

In recent weeks, a range of lawmakers have been pushing plans to sell the yachts, apartments, art, and estates of Putin’s allies and give the money to Ukraine as it tries to defend itself in a war waged by Russia since February. The idea has been gaining momentum and took a major step forward this week, in addition to the White House’s announcement.

On Wednesday night, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill called the Asset Seizure for Ukraine Reconstruction Act aiming to send seized assets to the former member of the Soviet Bloc. “Under these extraordinary circumstances, the international community should be prepared to use Russia’s frozen assets to rebuild the country Russia is destroying,” co-sponsor Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ) said in a statement.

According to some CIA guy whose name I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you, 16 yachts have been seized. I believe I speak on behalf of the entire planet when I say we should give the proceeds to Ukraine for the sale of each and every one of them except the one we keep as Daily Kos’s new floating pleasure palace. (Hey…we deserve something for being right about everything for twenty years. I mean…right???)

JEERS to Superman’s Achilles peel. Has ever there existed a mightier warrior against the doers of evil than Donald J. Trump? I think not, sir or madam! After all, who can forget this bit of derring-do circa 2018?

President Donald Trump says he would have rushed, unarmed, into the Florida high school where a mass shooting was happening, if he had been there.

Our hero! Nothing can stop America from being great again as long as Superman is looking out for us and…..oh crap, it turns out his arch-enemies found his kryptonite:

In a deposition for an upcoming New York trial over allegations that he sicced his security team on protesters outside Trump Tower in 2015, Trump revealed that he is afraid of demonstrators throwing fruit at him. “It’s very dangerous stuff,” Trump said in reference to the foodstuffs, according to Insider. “You can get killed with those things. … a tomato, a pineapple, a lot of other things they throw.”

Well phooey. This is a fig deal. So much for our hero being pearfect. Orange you berry disappointed? I’m feeling downright meloncholy. I say he should be retro-impeached.

CHEERS to Great Moments in Real Estate.  On April 30, 1803, Robert Livingston and James Monroe concluded a deal with France that increased the size of the United  states by 828,000 square miles. Price tag: $23,000,000.  We know it as The Louisiana Purchase. Century 21 agents know it as “The holy grail of commission checks.”


Cheers and Jeers: Rum and Flying Fruit FRIDAY! 3


CHEERS to exactly the right word. 170 years ago, Roget’s Thesaurus was first published.  And for that I am truly—[flip flip flip]—“grateful; thankful; affording pleasure or comfort; fulfilled; appreciative; obliged; down with that; sweet on it; fist bump-ready; engorged with the sweet nectar of gratification in a small cabin in Saskatchewan where the only sound is the bugling of the elk.” Just a hunch, but I think Roget was lonely.

Ten years ago in C&J: April 29, 2012

JEERS to scopin’ out the bars scene. Well, that was faster than I expected. It only took 38 days for the first media report to emerge on how prison life is treating disgraced Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. Fair warning: this is not for the squeamish (via CNN):

Blagojevich has been keeping very busy washing pots and pans (it’s what all new inmates do) and he already has big plans for the future: He’s gearing up to teach other inmates about Shakespeare and Greek mythology. … “All things considered, he looked good, he’s still got a headful of hair, it’s gone from black to brown, not gray, as everyone predicted,” Sam Adam, Jr. told WFLD.

Great. Now I hope I can figure out what just got ejected from my brain so that I could absorb that bit of useless data. Judging by the stares I’m getting from people on the street: the part of my cerebellum that tells me to put on pants.

CHEERS to home vegetation. The last weekend of April is here already???  Cheesum crow, this year is flying by, but I hope the weekend takes its sweet time. The boob-tubage starts tonight with the latest news on MSNBC…or Round 2 and 3 of the NFL draft is tonight at 7 on ABC. (Sorry, no Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy! because of it.) On Firing Line (8:30, PBS), Margaret Hoover devotes 30 minute to the most pressing issue of the day: what happens when Queen Elizabeth II kicks the royal bucket? (Spoiler alert: a beefeater retrieves it so she can kick it again.)  Oh, and Bill Maher actually has a decent lineup tonight on HBO’s Real Time at 10: MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, Fran Lebowitz, and former Senator Doug Jones (D-AL).

Cheers and Jeers: Rum and Flying Fruit FRIDAY! 4
Official supervisor of the NFL draft.

The most popular movies and home videos, new and old, are all reviewed here at Rotten Tomatoes.  The NHL schedule is here, the NBA playoff schedule is here, and the Major League Baseball schedule is here.   Round 4 of the NFL draft is tomorrow on ABC from—WTF???noon ’til 7.  Tomorrow night at 8 CNN and C-SPAN air the White House Correspondents Dinner, hosted by Trevor Noah (more on that below). SNL is a repeat.

On 60 Minutes: a look at the guy behind the Birds Aren’t Real fake conspiracy theory that makes fun of other conspiracy theorists, and the whys and wherefores of the Eurovision Song Contest. Then Homer becomes a craft beer brewer on The Simpsons and Lois tutors a nefarious piano student on Family Guy. To wrap up the weekend, John Oliver returns to lay a fresh platter of intellectual haggis on our doorstep with a new edition of Last Week Tonight Sunday night at 11 on HBO.

Now here’s your Sunday morning lineup:

Meet the Press: Homeland Security director Alejandro Mayorkas; Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ).

Cheers and Jeers: Rum and Flying Fruit FRIDAY! 5
Or you can watch reality-based Sunday morning news.

This Week: Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development Samantha Power; Ukrainian Ambassador to U.S. Oksana Markarova; Rep. Michael McCaul (The Cult-TX).

Face the Nation: Samantha Power; Moderna Chief Medical Officer Dr. Paul Burton; Dr. Deborah Birx (“BUY MY BOOK!”) continues her rehabilitation tour; Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL).

CNN’s State of the Union: Homeland Security director Alejandro Mayorkas; Gov. Asa Hutchinson (The Cult-AR).

Fox GOP Talking Points Sunday: Alejandro Mayorkas; Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ).

Happy viewing!

And just one more…

CHEERS to Friday evening Obama blogging. The White House Correspondents Dinner, the late-April schmooze-fest during which the politicians, pundits, reporters, and the one-percenters who fund them gather under the beltway bubble for an evening—hopefully not a super-spreadery evening—of rubbery chicken and jokes from the emcee and the president, returns tomorrow night after a pandemic-related hiatus. Unlike the former guy, who failed to show up because his orange skin is thinner than tissue paper, Joe Biden will be there. And although I’m sure he’ll land some blows, no POTUS will ever hold a candle to the comedic chops of his former boss. A few classic zingers from WHCDs past…

2009  ”Dick Cheney was supposed to be here but he’s very busy working on his memoirs, tentatively titled: How to Shoot Friends and Interrogate People.”

Cheers and Jeers: Rum and Flying Fruit FRIDAY! 6
Not many presidents with better comic timing than 44.

2010  “A few weeks ago I was able to throw out the first pitch at the Nationals game. I don’t know if you saw it, but I threw it a little high and a little outside. This is how FOX News covered it: President panders to extreme left-wing of batter box.”

2011  “Where is the National Public Radio table? You guys are still here? I know you were a little tense when the GOP tried to cut your funding, but personally I was looking forward to new programming like No Things Considered or Wait, Wait…Don’t Fund Me.”

2012  “Congress and I have certainly had our differences—yet I’ve tried to be civil, to not take any cheap shots.  And that’s why I want to especially thank all the members who took a break from their exhausting schedule of not passing any laws to be here tonight.”

2013  “I know CNN has taken some knocks lately. But the fact is I admire their commitment to cover all sides of a story just in case one of them happens to be accurate.”

Cheers and Jeers: Rum and Flying Fruit FRIDAY! 7

2014  “I’m feeling sorry, believe it or not, for the Speaker of the House. These days, the House Republicans actually give John Boehner a harder time than they give me, which means orange really is the new black.”

2015  “Just this week, Michele Bachmann predicted I would bring about the biblical end of days. Now that’s a legacy. That’s big. I mean, Lincoln, Washington, they didn’t do that.”

2016  “And then there’s Ted Cruz. Ted had a tough week. He went to Indiana—Hoosier country. Stood on a basketball court and called the hoop a ‘basketball ring.’ What else is in his lexicon? Baseball sticks? Football hats? But sure, I’m the foreign one.”

And yes, Obama tipped his server.

Have a great weekend. Floor’s open…What are you cheering and jeering about today?

Qronicles: What's REALLY happening with Elon Musk and Twitter; and Q debates another guy on TV

Qronicles: What's REALLY happening with Elon Musk and Twitter; and Q debates another guy on TV 8

This post was originally published on this site

The Qronicles is a series that will collect some of the news, videos, and general mis/disinformation roiling around the conspiracy world of QAnon. You can cringe, you can laugh, but these folks are organizing and showing up at the polls!

Elon Musk bought Twitter, if you hadn’t heard. As you might imagine, this has shaQen (pow!) the Q-averse! (Shazam!)

Let me walk that back. Elon Musk may have bought a controlling share of Twitter. He may still step away from it. It’s hard to know. But Queue you know who does?

Musk=44 bought Twitter=444 for $44 billion 4 years 4 months 4 days after originally planting the seed.

— Brother Berg (@extracapsa) April 25, 2022

Think about it! You don’t understand the significance yet?

QAnon is now baking Elon Musk’s tweets. 🤦‍♀️

— Katie McCarthy (@ktmcc5) April 27, 2022

Think about it again! How about thinking about it this way?

“It’s a scam.” MAGA pastor/Trump cultist Shane Vaughn (aka “Professor Toto”) claims that Twitter orchestrated its sale to Elon Musk just to “stop Truth Social.”

— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) April 28, 2022

Triple think about it! No, don’t think too much about it. There isn’t much of anything there to think about. However, in defense of conspiracy theories, it’s hard not to feel like we live in a Bond movie these days, with images like this one of the richest man in the world.

Welcome to the future Mr. Bond.

Meanwhile, just to remind you how much a part of the fabric of the GOP the conspiracy theorists are, we’ve got disgraced and twice-impeached Donald Trump promoting some QAnon-level groomer panic.

Some big applause and chants of “SAVE OUR KIDS!” when Trump says “no teacher should ever be allowed to teach transgender (sic) without parental consent.” Makes fun of Lia Thomas’s swim wins: “He went by her so fast, she got wind burn in the pool.”

— David Weigel (@daveweigel) April 24, 2022

Ron Watkins, if you don’t know, is the former 8chan administrator who may know (or may even be) the original “Q” that got all of the Anon folks hot and bothered. He’s running for Congress in Arizona’s 1st District. Watkins has the charisma of a broken shoelace. But he is running for Congress, so he is on television … in local debates.

Ron’s biggest mistake: thinking his ability to con Trump supporters into believing he was a secret agent would somehow carry over into the real world. But Ron has the charisma you’d expect from a guy who collects samurai swords & spends all day on

— Mikael Thalen (@MikaelThalen) April 28, 2022

That clip is from the debate he had against incumbent Rep. Walter Blackman. To be clear, the fact that Walter Blackman comes across like he’s Winston fucking Churchill in his debate with Watkins says a lot more about Watkins than it does about Blackman.

Listen to a breakdown of the May primaries, which include QAnoners, on Daily Kos Elections’ The Downballot podcast with David Nir and David Beard.

Over in Michigan, the Wolverine State’s Republican Party nominated community college professor Kristina Karamo to run for secretary of state. If you don’t remember, Karamo claimed “she’d witnessed election fraud in Detroit during the 2020 election.” This is the rallying cry of the Michigan Republican Party these days. The election was stolen, so MAGA and QAnon want to make sure elections are forever rigged for whichever candidate they decide isn’t a lizard person.

At the same time, here’s a reminder that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green claimed last week that she never said any of the myriad things she has been recorded—frequently recorded by herself—saying. Like this:

MTG, under oath, today: “I did not say I believe in QAnon.” MTG, 2017: “Q is a patriot, we know that for sure.”

— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) April 22, 2022

Did you say nothing makes sense? Well, it does! Here’s rock-solid logic at work.

The QAnon folks believe Barron is “the real son of Donald J. Trump and Diana,” and is, therefore, a “prince of the United Kingdom.”

— PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) April 27, 2022

But Walter, you say Princess Diana passed away in 1997, and Barron Trump was born in 2006! But she isn’t dead, silly-billy! She’s on that island with Michael Jackson and most of the late Kennedy family, working on a plan to [looks through notes] defeat Thanos! [Looks through notes again] My mistake, to defeat the Jews and Hillary Clinton and Muslim Communists!

Did you say “Satanic portal?”

Longtime GOP dirty trickster Roger Stone claims to have discovered a “satanic portal” over the White House, and he even has photos to prove it.

— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) April 28, 2022

It wouldn’t be a roundup without a nod to the on-the-ground effects of QAnon.

A leader of a parent group that supports Nevada Republican candidates got kicked out of the Clark County School Board meeting after going off topic to imply teachers are having sexual relationships with students during trips to Disneyland.

— PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) April 29, 2022

But just in case you need a reminder. There’s a lot of racism in their belief systems.

At the Clark County School Board meeting, an anti-masker parent claimed “Asians are better at math” because of “two parents in the household,” and then suggested this idea can “help improve certain demographics.”

— PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) February 18, 2022

Listen to Markos and Kerry Eleveld talk Ukraine and speak with Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair Ben Wikler on how hitting back at Republicans helps win elections on Daily Kos’ The Brief podcast

New York man charged with hate crime after hitting Asian American woman with pool cue

This post was originally published on this site

Despite the increased awareness, hate crimes against Asian Americans continue to increase nationwide. These crimes are especially on a rise in states with major cities like New York. It seems like every day in New York an incident of hate has been reported against the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community.

In the most recently reported incident to make headlines, a New York man has been charged with a hate crime after allegedly striking a woman with a pool cue and yelling racial slurs, WGRZ reported. Officials noted the incident happened at San-Dees Pub on Grand Island around 4 AM.

According to the Erie County District Attorney’s Office, as a result of the attack, the victim received stitches for a cut to her lip and suffered pain and swelling to her nose and mouth.  A temporary order of protection was issued on behalf of the victim, the report said.

Listen to Markos and Kerry Eleveld talk Ukraine and speak with Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair Ben Wikler on how hitting back at Republicans helps win elections on Daily Kos’ The Brief podcast

The suspect was identified as 46-year-old Charles Vacanti. He was initially arrested for assault on March 19. According to court records, Vacanti, who is 5’7”, attacked the woman, who is 5 feet tall.

“You can imagine a 5 foot 7, 270-pound defendant striking a 5-foot woman in the head with a pool stick in the head concussed, I’m not sure if she required stitches, but severe enough to charge a felony,” police officials said.

Following further investigation, Vacanti was arrested again on Wednesday, April 20, and charged with one count of felony assault with intent to cause injury with a weapon as a hate crime, as well as one count of criminal possession of a weapon with intent to use.

“They did not know each other. Now how they came about the altercation, that’s something I’d rather not comment on right now. What I could tell you is prior to the defendant striking the victim, he did use some racial slurs and then struck the victim,” said Erie County Sheriff John Garcia.

According to NBC News, at least five witnesses at the bar said they saw Vacanti leave after the attack. Garcia noted that witnesses and employees at the bar helped investigators find and identify Vacanti. Whether there is surveillance footage of the incident is unclear at this time.

Of course, Vacanti claims to have done nothing wrong, despite witnesses confirming they saw the attack. “My client vehemently denies, first of all, any assault or anything of that nature, and certainly any indication or allegation of a hate crime,” said Frank LoTempio, Vacanti’s lawyer.

While xenophobia against the AAPI community is not a new phenomenon, the attack follows an alarming increase in hate crimes across the country. Hate crime data from the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University-San Bernardino found that hate crimes against Asian Americans surged in 2020 in at least 15 cities, Daily Kos reported. As the cities were further reviewed, a new report indicated that crimes against Asian Americans rose by 169% when comparing the first quarter of 2020 to the first quarter of 2021.

Additionally, women have been most vulnerable to attacks. According to a recent research report released by the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum, 74% of AAPI women reported having personally experienced racism or discrimination in the last 12 months.

Solidarity is strong at Starbucks as union wins mount despite company's union-busting campaign

This post was originally published on this site

Starbucks has poured huge amounts of money into its union-busting campaign, deploying extra managers to stores where workers were organizing, keeping an anti-union law firm very busy, and firing union leaders at multiple stores. It hasn’t worked, but the company is still cheerleading its own efforts. And by “it hasn’t worked,” I mean that 41 out of 44 stores to vote have gone union, many by huge margins and several unanimously.

But Starbucks management is committed. In leaked video from an internal anti-union call for store managers, which More Perfect Union obtained and posted clips of, senior corporate management egged on store managers to oppose union efforts more strongly, and some key store managers spoke about how victimized they felt by their workers’ efforts to organize. Poor babies.

RELATED STORY: Starbucks CEO whines that companies are being ‘assaulted … by the threat of unionization’

One tearful manager described a violent, scary picket line outside her store—even though the protest had been covered by the media, with video showing a very different scene than the manager described. The manager who harassed and fired teenage shift supervisor Laila Dalton in Phoenix, Arizona, spoke at length about what she described as sincere efforts to get Dalton’s work up to standard—except Dalton already posted video of some of the interactions, and the National Labor Relations Board has filed charges against Starbucks for the retaliatory firing of Dalton and other workers in Phoenix. The consistent message from Starbucks upper management to Starbucks store managers is that the pro-union workers are enemies and probably not really Starbucks workers at all.

The union representation votes happening in store after store show exactly how false those claims are. This week saw another flurry of votes counted, with an extremely strong majority ending in union wins—including in places like Augusta, Georgia, where one store went union on Thursday in a 26 to 5 vote. Less than 5% of workers in Georgia are union members.

There are now more than 40 unionized Starbucks stores across the country. This week alone, in addition to the Georgia store, Maryland, New Jersey, Wisconsin, and Minnesota each got their first corporate-owned unionized Starbucks stores. In Eugene, Oregon, the union won four out of five stores that were counted on Thursday.

Workers are pushing back on management’s attempts to intimidate them or discredit them as real Starbucks workers.

@Starbucks corporate continues to spread untruths about our bargaining sessions. The latest: “There are no partners at the table, just lawyers and union reps.” This is a screen grab from one of Elmwood’s recent sessions. Just partners. We are the union.

— Michelle Eisen (@michelleeisen) April 27, 2022

When Sen. Bernie Sanders met with a group of workers, one told him about needing to work full-time through chemotherapy in order to afford the health care coverage to pay for the chemotherapy. Workers told Sanders how one of management’s responses to the union effort has been to flood stores with new workers so that the existing workers don’t get enough hours to pay their bills.

Similarly, California Starbucks worker Dulce Duarte told Teen Vogue, “A lot of us would work close to 30 hours a week, but I was [recently] cut [by] 11 hours per week, which did affect me — not only financially, but it also affected the way I’d support my family, as I live with my grandparents and my mom.” Nonetheless, Duarte said, “My advice to any baristas that are considering [organizing] would just be to go for it. Corporate calls us ‘partners,’ yet we’re not treated as such. The only way we’re going to be able to be heard is if we act and not be afraid. It’s definitely a scary thing going into it, but if everyone has each other’s back and everyone stands their ground and doesn’t let management or corporate convince you otherwise, baristas will come out on top.”


Starbucks executives rail against union effort in leaked call

Union posts a rare loss at Starbucks, then roars back with five wins

Trump's COVID-19 pandemic response was second-rate and deceitful, a new report shows

This post was originally published on this site

Anyone paying attention was aware of the ineptitude former President Donald Trump displayed in the first days and months of the COVID-19 pandemic … and his entire presidency. But based on a report released Friday by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, Trump’s pandemic response was worse than the public even knew.

The report found that not only did government scientists observe “incidents of political interference in scientific decision-making,” but they were too afraid of “retaliation” to report it. Additionally, “Trump Administration officials overruled, undermined, and muzzled career public health experts, during the critical first year of the pandemic.”  

Most damning are emails released in the report that shows that in May of 2020, the White House tried to downplay the seriousness of COVID-19 transmissions in places of worship, despite knowing full well how deadly it could be for people to gather.

RELATED STORY: Lawyers in Marjorie Taylor Greene reelection suit file motion to add ‘Marshall law’ text as evidence

The day before the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released its guidelines for safety in churches, essentially recommending that churches go virtual, “Trump White House officials made edits to the guidance with no scientific basis,” the report reads.

Listen to Markos and Kerry Eleveld talk Ukraine and speak with Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair Ben Wikler on how hitting back at Republicans helps win elections on Daily Kos’ The Brief podcast

Paul Ray, then-administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, found issues with the CDC guideline, writing in an email to senior White House officials that the recommendation “seems to raise religious liberty concerns.” Ray suggested several deletions and that the CDC be allowed to publish guidance “contingent on striking the offensive passages.”

Then-Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway responded to the email, thanking Ray for “holding firm against the newest round of mission creep.”

White House attorney May Davis referred to the CDC’s faith communities guidance as “problematic,” and proposed changes “on top of Kellyanne [Conway]’s edits.”

Davis added, “[T]hough personally I will say that if I was old and vulnerable (I do feel old and vulnerable), drive-through services would sound welcome.”

“The recommendation to attend virtual religious services did not appear in the final guidance,” according to the report. In fact, Trump deemed churches “essential places that provide essential services,” and demanded governors follow his lead or face the consequences.

In excerpts of a transcribed interview with former CDC Director Robert Redfield, the report states that “one of [his] great disappointments” was “[t]hat HHS basically took over total clearance of briefings by CDC” during the most critical points early on in the pandemic.

Redfield said he was left with “PTSD for probably six months” because “none of our [CDC] briefings were approved” by the Trump administration, and CDC staff were prohibited from doing media or interviews.

“The Select Subcommittee continues to unearth disturbing new details on how the Trump Administration’s pandemic response prioritized politics over public health,” Rep. James E. Clyburn, chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, wrote in a statement.

“While a Trump White House official admitted to her colleagues that proposed CDC guidelines for places of worship were reasonable, she worked with them to strong-arm changes to those guidelines that deprived Americans of useful information on how to protect themselves against this deadly virus. As today’s new evidence also makes clear, Trump White House officials worked under the direction of the former president to purposefully undercut public health officials’ recommendations and muzzle their ability to communicate clearly to the American public,” Clyburn added.  

Raskin tears apart the Putin Wing of the GOP

This post was originally published on this site

The House Jan. 6 select committee is planning to hold eight public hearings in June, hearings that Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) says will “blow the roof off the House.”

“We now have the evidence to support a story of the worst presidential political crime against the union in American history.” Rep. Jamie Raskin, a member of the House select cmte. investigating January 6, says the findings will be “harrowing for the American people.”

— CBS News (@CBSNews) April 28, 2022

“We now have the evidence to support a story of the worst presidential political crime against the union in American history,” he told CBS News. Whether that evidence is also going to expose Trump’s partners in crime among congressional Republicans, he’s not saying. But he’s also not giving those members any quarter in his speeches on the House floor.

Take Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Q-GA), one of the 10 Republicans (the usual suspects in what Rep, Liz Cheney has dubbed the “Putin Wing of the GOP”) to vote against updating the Lend-Lease Act of 1941 to facilitate the transfer of military equipment to Ukraine. Ahead of that vote, Greene spent her three minutes of debate time not talking about Ukraine and Russia, but instead screeching about immigration and the massive invasion of foreigners into the U.S.

Raskin was having absolutely none of that.

One for the ages. Rep. Jamie Raskin rips Marjorie Taylor Greene to shreds- buckle up, it’s brutal.

— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) April 28, 2022

“The United States of America just witnessed the most astonishing spectacle,” Raskin said. “We are here to debate aid to the people of Ukraine defending themselves against a massive invasion by Putin and his army. Then the minority puts up the distinguished gentlelady from Georgia who does not mention Ukraine once. She does not mention the thousands of Ukrainian civilians who have been slaughtered by Putin’s army.”

“Instead, she talks about a massive invasion at the border, a massive invasion which their own speakers have said today, hundreds of thousands of people have been apprehended in,” he continued. “That’s very different from a military invasion. The one in Ukraine, of course, the gentlelady’s not going to talk about that.”

Listen to Markos and Kerry Eleveld talk Ukraine and speak with Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair Ben Wikler on how hitting back at Republicans helps win elections on Daily Kos’ The Brief podcast

Then Raskin reminded the chamber about how Greene heckled him a few weeks ago during the debate to hold former top Trump officials Peter Navarro and Dan Scavino in criminal contempt of Congress. “She had a lot to say the other day when she heckled me continuously when I came to the floor, […] chanting about the Russia hoax and Russia this and Russia that,” Raskin said Thursday.

“Now she had the opportunity to tell the world what her views about Russia are.” He then referenced a tweet storm from Greene in which “she said that the aid that the taxpayers of America are sending to the people of Ukraine to defend themselves against Vladimir Putin and the Russian army falls into the hands of Nazis”. She did say that.

“I want to see her proof. where’s her evidence? She talks about NATO Nazis.” (She does, she uses the hashtag #NATONazis.) “Does the minority believe that our allies in NATO who are trying to defend the people of Ukraine are Nazis?” Raskin continued. “Has it come to this? The gentlelady talked about a massive invasion. We had had a massive invasion of our own chamber and she continues to be a cheerleader for the insurrection and deny what happened here.”

At that point, another Republican interrupted, demanding that Raskin’s words be taken down, what the House does to reprimand a member when they’ve been “disorderly.”

It’s not clear who that Republican was, but it was certainly one that didn’t like hearing the truth about the Putin Wing of the GOP on the House floor.


Oath Keeper cries as he pleads guilty to seditious conspiracy charges; will cooperate

Oath Keeper cries as he pleads guilty to seditious conspiracy charges; will cooperate 9

This post was originally published on this site

Brian Ulrich, a member of the extremist Oath Keepers group, cried on Friday as U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta accepted his guilty plea for seditious conspiracy and obstruction of the peaceful transfer of power at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. 

Ulrich’s voice wavered during his remote appearance as the maximum penalties were recited back to him—20 years for each charge. 

“It’s not going to get any easier,” the 43-year-old told the court Friday.

Ulrich, of Guyton, Georgia, is the second Oath Keeper to now break ranks with the slew of defendants from the extremist network facing seditious conspiracy charges. The Alabama Oath Keeper chapter leader who provided Roger Stone with a security detail on Jan. 6, Joshua James, was the first to fold last month.

Brian Ulrich

RELATED STORY: Oath Keeper: I was ready to protect Trump by force

As the terms of his cooperation were reviewed, Ulrich made his position against Oath Keeper ringleader Elmer Stewart Rhodes clear, admitting explicitly to Judge Mehta that he conspired with Rhodes to develop a plan to stop the lawful transfer of power and was prepared to do so by force. 

In a Dec. 31, 2020 text message uncovered in a group chat the Oath Keepers operated in the run-up to the attack, Ulrich told the group he would carry two backpacks, one for regular use. 

“And then a separate backpack with my ammo load out with some basics that I can just switch too if shit truly [hits] the fan blades… I will be the guy running around with the budget AR,” he wrote.

He also admitted that the plan not only obstructed congressional proceedings but that the conspiracy they orchestrated intimidated members of Congress, law enforcement, staff, and others. 

Rhodes has pleaded not guilty and is facing trial later this summer. 

Listen to Markos and Kerry Eleveld talk Ukraine and speak with Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair Ben Wikler on how hitting back at Republicans helps win elections on Daily Kos’ The Brief podcast

Ulrich was initially charged alongside co-defendants and Oath Keepers Thomas Caldwell, Donovan Crowl, Jessica Watkins, Sandra Parker, Bennie Parker, Laura Steele, Kelly Meggs, Connie Meggs, Kenneth Harrelson, Roberto Minuta, Jonathan Walden, Joseph Hackett, Jason Doland, William Isaacs, David Moerschel, and Joshua James.  

All but James and Ulrich have pleaded not guilty.

By entering his guilty plea Friday, Ulrich has agreed to testify on behalf of the federal government at their beck and call and that includes testifying against Rhodes or other members of the Oath Keepers at trial if it is demanded.

Should prosecutors find his cooperation helpful, they can recommend that his sentence be downshifted. Ulrich could potentially see the respective 20-year max terms dropped to somewhere closer to five or six-year terms for each sentence.

But so much of that is dependent on what is to come, and the government is not bound to actually go through with a recommended reduction even if he cooperates.  

As Ulrich took in a sharp breath in at this pronouncement Friday, and could be heard audibly crying over the remote teleconference line, Judge Mehta reminded him that in the end, it is ultimately up to him, as judge, to decide whether or not his sentence will be as lengthy or short as whatever is recommended. 

Each charge he pleaded guilty to Friday also brings with it a $250,000 fine. He will also be expected to pay a separate restitution amount towards the $1.4 million in damages he and others wrought on the Capitol building during the rampage.

Cooperation from James and Ulrich is significant in light of the Justice Department’s discovery of text messages appearing to confirm the long-suspected working relationship between the Oath Keepers and their neofascist compatriots, the Proud Boys.

Text messages from December 2021 right through the insurrection were added as part of the record when Oath Keeper Edward Vallejo filed a pretrial release motion this month.

The texts showed defendant Kelly Meggs telling others that he would call Proud Boy leader Henry “Enrique” Tarrio when he learned that Tarrio had been arrested in Washington on Jan. 4. 

RELATED STORY: Oath Keepers texts expose talk of security details for Trump world figures, more Proud Boys ties

This story is developing.

Coming up at 12:30 PM ET, Oath Keeper Brian Ulrich, who is charged w/conspiracy and a host of other crimes tied to Jan. 6, has a plea agreement hearing before Judge Mehta in D.C. He is expected to plead guilty, marking another Oath Keeper who has broken with the extremist network

— Brandi Buchman (@Brandi_Buchman) April 29, 2022

Ukraine update: Dept. of Defense acknowledges that logistics are limiting Russian advances

This post was originally published on this site

Thursday’s briefing from the U.S. Defense Department spoke directly to the relationship between Russia’s logistical problems and its slow progress in Ukraine.

“The Russians have not overcome all their logistics and sustainment challenges, and we assess that they’re only able—because they still haven’t solved all their logistics problems—just from a logistics perspective alone, not counting the Ukrainian resistance, which remains active, but just from logistics alone, they’re only able to sustain several kilometers or so progress on any given day, just because they don’t want to run out too far ahead of their logistics and sustainment lines. So they’re limited not only, again, by the fighting and by Ukrainian resistance, but by their still-continued logistics problems.”

If Putin or his top generals really want to improve Russia’s odds on the ground in Ukraine, they’d be better off staying in Moscow, or sitting someone outside Belgorod, dealing with the logistical issues and keeping supplies flowing.

In the Friday briefing, it was learned that the U.S. has commenced training Ukrainian soldiers on additional “key systems” in Germany. That includes training on radar systems and armored vehicles (presumably that means the M113 Armored Personnel Carrier). Some of the training will be carried out by Florida National Guard members who had been serving in Ukraine before the invasion. U.S. National Guard forces have participated in training and joint exercises in Ukraine over the last 8 years.

In response to questions, the DOD stated that the U.S. is not planning to do any training inside Ukraine, as that would create some level of “boots on the ground.” However, they are looking at doing some virtual or remote training for systems. Making this possible, as well as reducing the time necessary for those training in Germany, is a focus on bringing people who are already familiar with similar systems. For example, the fifty Ukrainian soldiers trained on M777 howitzers were already artillerymen, not just random people pulled out of the infantry. 

Priority has also been given to systems that Ukraine can learn quickly and which can be integrated into their effort “without burdening them” with extensive training or the need for a lot of additional support. The Pentagon seems highly aware that they do not want to saddle Ukraine with difficult and complex additions to their supply chain, or keep critical forces out of the fight for an extended period. Overall, the U.S. is very aware that it not only has to get the weapons on the ground in Ukraine—which they are doing in around 72 hours following announcements—they have to make sure that when those systems reach the front lines, they are also functional and effective as quickly as possible.

One other thing that came up in the Friday briefing that was interesting: The U.S. is aware of military donations being made to Ukraine by other nations which have not been made public. The reasons for this could be varied, including nations that are dependent on Russia for fossil fuels and don’t want to endanger that access, as well as nations who feel like this may make them targets for potential attacks (not necessarily from Russia). In any case, it means that some of the equipment that turns up on the battlefield might represent something of a detective game.


The news out of Popasna is mostly that Popasna has still not been taken. The town remains under Ukrainian control even as additional attempts to advance Russian tanks into the town’s streets have been reported. On Friday Russia also risked a Ka-52 helicopter in an effort to get at the Ukrainian positions in the town that had blocked Russian advances for over a week. None of this seems to have dislodged the Ukrainian forces.

There’s also this report that former U.S. military member “Joseph Kensel was fighting for the Ukrainian side, was killed by the Russian army in Popasna.” However, even though this has been reported in a few locations, the original source appears to be a Russian Twitter account identified as belonging to a “hero of the Soviet Union” and whose other tweets include a heavy dose of racism. So definitely consider this to be unconfirmed at this time. 

Friday, Apr 29, 2022 · 7:34:50 PM +00:00

Mark Sumner

I honestly did not know there was such a person as the Queen of Spain. But I think I like her.

Ukraine just received a massive shipment of weapons from Spain. The Ukrainians found Spanish sausages among the boxes with grenade launchers and a postcard saying: “I wish you victory! With love, Leticia”. It took them a moment to understand that it was from the Queen of Spain.

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) April 29, 2022

Listen to Markos and Kerry Eleveld talk Ukraine and speak with Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair Ben Wikler on how hitting back at Republicans helps win elections on Daily Kos’ The Brief podcast

Elon Musk's ideas about making his Twitter purchase pay off don't seem to add up

This post was originally published on this site

Amid questions about whether Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter will ever be finalized, details are trickling out about how Musk has claimed he’ll make the finances work, and … they’re about as confidence-inspiring as the average Musk tweet. 

Musk tweeted that he might eliminate salaries for Twitter’s board, which would save around $3 million, or a couple days’ worth of the interest he’ll owe for the loans he’s taking out to buy the company. He has also deleted tweets floating ideas like reducing the company’s dependence on advertising. And he reportedly told the banks he would find new ways to monetize tweets, such as charging third-party organizations to embed certain tweets, a plan likely to get third-party organizations to rely less on Twitter.

RELATED STORY: Elon Musk starts encouraging abuse of Twitter executives the day after purchase deal announced

That’s not the only questionable thought Musk has floated. “For Twitter to deserve public trust, it must be politically neutral, which effectively means upsetting the far right and the far left equally,” he tweeted, showing that he has not followed the history of moderation at Twitter and other social media platforms, where cracking down on actual hate speech and disinformation has been a major challenge—but not one that upset the far right and far left equally.

Musk also showed that, in addition to seeing himself at the absolute center of existence, he knows nothing about U.S. politics in recent years, with this:

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 28, 2022

People on Twitter had some thoughts about that one.

Granted, this isn’t a bunch of cartoon stick figures

— Don Moynihan (@donmoyn) April 28, 2022

Well, if a cartoon on the internet says so, it must be tru– wait, what’s this?

— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) April 28, 2022

A helpful graphic I made for no one in particular

— Zack Bornstein (@ZackBornstein) April 28, 2022

Who knows, maybe this kind of thing is what Musk had in mind when he tweeted, “Let’s make Twitter maximum fun!”


Twitter announces sale to Elon Musk as his recent tweets show what a bad idea that is

Man who climbed up government-funded ladder endorses burning ladder now that he’s safely at the top

Don’t buy a Tesla unless you’re okay with Black workers being brutalized by racist managers