‘Bizarre’: Hamas Rejects Israeli Proposal Before Receiving It, But After …

'Bizarre': Hamas Rejects Israeli Proposal Before Receiving It, But After ... 1

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'Bizarre': Hamas Rejects Israeli Proposal Before Receiving It, But After ... 2

Just when we thought we’d seen everything in the past few weeks, the Hamas-Israel war throws us a new curveball — a pre-emptive rejection of a proposal that doesn’t exist yet. 


Israel continues its military operations in Gaza to destroy Hamas, a goal that Benjamin Netanyahu made clear in his address to a joint session of Congress this week. At the same time, however, Netanyahu pledged to continue diplomatic efforts to get the hostages out of Gaza and perhaps find a cease-fire solution that will allow Israel to achieve its goal of eliminating any further threats from the territory.

To that end, Netanyahu and the cabinet had prepared a new proposal for discussion with mediators and negotiators. Israel’s own team hadn’t seen the terms yet, but Hamas has already rejected it out of hand before knowing its terms:

The Hamas terror group preemptively rejected the terms of an Israeli proposal for a hostage-ceasefire deal on Thursday night, according to Reuters, in what a senior Israeli official called “bizarre” messages, given that “nobody has read [the proposal] yet.”

A senior Israeli official said Hamas had not yet seen the latest proposal, which was expected to go out “in the coming hours.”

“We haven’t sent it yet, nobody has read it yet. Even the negotiators haven’t got it yet. They will read it before transferring it to Hamas for their reaction,” said the official, presumably referring to the Arab intermediaries facilitating the talks.


Supposedly, this is because it’s a modification of a previous proposal made jointly by Israel and the US. Haaretz claims that Netanyahu’s changing the deal because “he thinks he can improve positions,” and that he’s “taking an uncalculated risk with the hostages’ lives.” Perhaps, but Hamas rejected that deal already and repeatedly, which means they want the terms renegotiated anyway. And one way to discourage further efforts to increase asks in negotiations is to make refusals costly. That’s not an “uncalculated risk” — it’s basic negotiation tactics, made possible by the IDF’s systematic progress in destroying Hamas’ fighting capacities.

Could that work? Maybe, although that approach is a calculated risk. But it helps when your ally doesn’t publicly put all the onus on you for a lack of progress in a negotiation. And that’s precisely what quasi-President Kamala Harris did yesterday after meeting with Netanyahu:

US Vice President Kamala Harris insisted Thursday that she would not be “silent” on suffering in Gaza while also touting her pro-Israel bona fides, in comments made shortly after meeting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Her remarks drew furious Israeli complaints that they could complicate efforts to reach a deal with the Hamas terror group to free hostages and end the war in Gaza.

Speaking to reporters after what she called a “frank and constructive” meeting with Netanyahu at the White House, Harris said it was time to end the “devastating” war sparked by the Hamas terror group’s brutal October 7 attack on Israel, in comments that some saw as a sign of a possible shift in Washington’s stance as the presumptive Democratic nominee for president takes center stage.

“What has happened in Gaza over the past nine months is devastating. The images of dead children and desperate hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time,” Harris told reporters. “We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and I will not be silent.”


Really? Harris has been remarkably silent on demanding that Hamas accept the deal that Biden himself put on the table in May, a deal that the Israelis backed. In her relatively short statement following the brief interaction with Netanyahu, Harris never once makes any demands from Hamas, not even to release the American hostages it currently holds. Harris never even suggests that Hamas has been the problem in negotiations, let alone the cause of the misery in Gaza by using civilian areas to launch attacks or hijacking the aid that Israel sends into Gaza. 

Harris does talk about the deal Biden put on the table, but fails to mention that Hamas has repeatedly rejected it. Instead, she demands Netanyahu make changed because “it’s time to get this deal done.”

And according to Axios, Harris didn’t even have the guts to say it to Netanyahu’s face. Her statement demanding action from Israel blindsided the Israelis:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was upset by Vice President Kamala Harris’ on-camera statement after their meeting and is concerned it will harm the negotiations over a Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal, an Israeli official said in a briefing with reporters. ….

Two Israeli officials said Netanyahu’s meeting with Biden was much more constructive than his meeting with Harris, but stressed the meeting with the vice president wasn’t tense or difficult.

  • The Israeli officials said Netanyahu and his team were caught off guard by Harris’ on-camera statement and taken aback by its tone, which they said sounded much more critical than Biden’s.
  • “Harris’ statement after the meeting was much more critical than what she told Netanyahu in the meeting,” one Israeli official claimed.


At the time, officials in Israel suggested that Harris’ remarks could screw up negotiations, both in the mediation with Hamas and within the region:

A top Israeli official briefing reporters anonymously argued that Jerusalem had been uncomfortable with Harris’s tone throughout her remarks and accused her of overly stressing the importance of ending the war in a manner that appeared to show gaps between the positions of the US and Israel.

“Hopefully the remarks Harris made in her press conference won’t be interpreted by Hamas as daylight between the US and Israel, thereby making a deal harder to secure,” the senior official said. …

“The more the gap widens between our countries, the more we move away from a deal and thus also increase the possibility of a regional escalation,” said the senior official.

That’s what happens when an incompetent novice gets involved in foreign affairs. We already had an incompetence problem with Joe Biden in dealing with this conflict, and now we’re seeing the outcome of having a radical incompetence contributing to the mess. 

Latest Democrat Collective Amnesia Salvo: Trump Is Old and Weird

Latest Democrat Collective Amnesia Salvo: Trump Is Old and Weird 3

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The effort to rehabilitate Kamala Harris is not the only memory holing being done on the Democratic side. And by “Democratic side,” I’m not referring to their compliant press or media toadies or fawning mouthpieces in Hollywood on TikTok.


No, nope, nyet.

The official Democratic Party is utterly beclowning itself, pretending what once was never was and what now is is always what has been.

You’ll understand the Kamala word salad the second you watch this.

This is an odd line of attack from a party whose titular figurehead JUST YESTERDAY looked like this in an official White House meeting with the head of a foreign ally:

It’s a particularly bizarre flex from an admittedly bizarre party whose titular head was UNCEREMONIOUSLY DUMPED as their nominee thanks to real-life moments like this:

Then there is – not was, but is – his continual shutting down in real-time. Biden’s repeated pattern of sliding into a bout of gib gib gib gibbering when the two functioning cells in his brain short-circuit and just say “We’re outta here.


But now, in the official Democrat rewritten history version, none of this has ever happened. There was never a decrepit Joe Biden as candidate, even as president, and Trump is the demonstrably old, “weird” one.

 Yeah – like that’s gonna fly. He might be older, but good luck tagging Trump as the weird one left in the race.

Trump always knows precisely what he’s saying, whether he’s deadly serious, complimentary, or tearing someone a new asterisk. Neither of the two bozos in the White House could ever make that claim, and the word salad queen that’s been left standing…yowsahs.

I saw another resurfaced video of hers today, where she’s arguing for defunding the police – again, something that, in her new and improved biography, she’s never, ever done. And even in a serious segment, you get the echoes of “unburdened by what has been” if your ear is attuned to her nonsense by now.

It’s really truly striking how vacuous her communicative skills are when she’s ad-libbing.




But Trump’s the weirdo?

Just shoot me now that they believe anyone can fall for such a stinker. I can’t even begin to fathom how they could push such tripe out when it seems to me they have much more serious problems on their hands.

It’s a measure of how desperate, completely delusional, and infinitely lazy the Democrats and their voters are that this embarrassing, hypocritical tripe makes it to the airwaves. 

But Dems are throwing all the former taboos against the wall to see who will stick with them.

What happened to “white dudes are an existential threat”? I thought we were supposed to be frightened out of our wits about whites.

I’m hoping these white dupes in Kamala hats get special passes if they attend other Democratic events. Things can get spicy if the unfriendlier, radical, more prone to violence elements of the base – which is, if we’re being honest, most of them – haven’t gotten the word that Dems need these “white dudes” now. So we don’t need anybody hurt, capiche?


It seems expedience has wiped that old racist bromide from collective memory banks about the same way Kamala was never the border czar.


Disappeared down a Democratic black hole as fast as their last glimpse of a discarded, geriatric, dementia-riddled animatronic cadaver rescued by the Easter Bunny.

Latest Democrat Collective Amnesia Salvo: Trump Is Old and Weird 4


What old man you talkin’ about, WIllis?

There’s only ever been one in this race, and he’s weird.

White Dudes for Harris Is Born!

White Dudes for Harris Is Born! 5

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White Dudes for Harris Is Born! 6

Among other things–nasty, filled with lies and gaslighting, and probably lots of violence–this campaign season will be characterized by massive amounts of cringe. 


The Trump campaign is unabashedly testosterone-filled, with FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT, Hulk Hogan, and a former president who loves his blondes. For God’s sake, Hulk Hogan introduced Trump at the RNC. 

The Harris campaign is estrogen-filled, with AWFLs, pronoun-pushers, and lots of DEI and accusations of racism, sexism, and homophobia. Everything is about social media influencers, style, RuPaul’s Drag Race, and appearances on Ellen and Drew Barrymore. 

So I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that the beta males are coming out in full force for Harris–pushing their bona fides as antiracist feminists whose goal in life is to apologize for the sin of being born White and male. It is so on-brand it is a Babylon Bee parody brought to life. 

We are already getting the “Racisss” accusations, and we have been living in a fake Handmaid’s Tale world for quite a while. The Harris crowd is livid about calling Harris a DEI candidate, which inconveniently Joe Biden did himself when he chose her. Literally, he did. 


So out come the self-abasement brigade, filled with remorseful Never Trumpers who last week thought Biden was the apotheosis of political wisdom and who today admire him as George Washington (without the slaves, of course!!), who are now kissing the feet of Kamala Harris. 

It’s pathetic and cringe. So, so cringe. 

If you are so inclined, you can sign up for the Zoom call so that you can strategize with other pathetic beta males before you fan across the country to evangelize the over-testosteroned. 

Get your man bun ready! Or put on your dresses, depending on how you roll. 

Let me be clear: if you are White and male and want to vote for Harris, that does not, in itself, make you a beta male. 

I can’t imagine why you would do that, but you be you. 

But if you are part of a movement as puerile as “White Dudes for Harris,” you are a beta male. It is so glaringly obvious that it barely needs saying. Trying to appeal to people to vote for Harris based on her race and gender–and that is the point here–in order to prove you aren’t racist and sexist is weak, stupid, and also won’t work. 

I wish that race weren’t so gendered–I prefer my politics to be more about issues, policies, and the future and less about uteri, race, and gender issues, but there it is. It’s unavoidable. 


My prediction: Democrats are leaning into this so far, although polling in the future may deter them from continuing. If they do keep going, they will forfeit Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, and Michigan. Wisconsin will remain in play, because there are too many Green Bay fans there. (I kid, I kid!). 

People feel unsettled, and when they are unsettled, they want more masculinity and less femininity. When times are good, the opposite is true. Strength vs empathy. Both are necessary values, and we elevate one or the other depending on the circumstances. 

Kamala is not Margaret Thatcher or Golda Meir–either of them would be viable candidates in this environment because they projected strenth and resolve. 

Kamala? She prefers drag queens and now she has themed her campaign on being “brat.”You definitely must watch this explainer on “brat” and ask yourself, is this how you want your president to be?

The best summary of bratdom might come from my Free Press colleague River Page, who quips, “Brat Girl Summer is just women acting like gay guys.” On TikTok, Charli XCX herself described the quintessential brat as “just that girl who is a little messy and maybe says dumb things sometimes, who feels herself but then also maybe has a breakdown but parties through it. It is honest, blunt, and a little bit volatile”—which maybe explains why she felt it appropriate to bestow the moniker on Kamala. But it’s harder to see the VP in Charli’s official song of the Brat Girl Summer, “365,” which describes a lifestyle defined by clubbing from dusk till dawn, decked out in slime-colored clothing and sustained by a steady diet of self-regard and cocaine.


Kamala Harris thinks so. She has themed all her social media based on it. 

If you are excited by this, you are a beta male. If you think a Gen Z singer who thinks chartruse and fuzzy fonts are the height of culture, you be you, but know you are totally beta. 

And I, for one, will make fun of you. 

Say, Remember When Kamala Backed ‘Defund the Police,’ Asks …

Say, Remember When Kamala Backed 'Defund the Police,' Asks ... 7

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Say, Remember When Kamala Backed 'Defund the Police,' Asks ... 8

Sure, I certainly do. I also recall Kamala Harris trying to obfuscate that support at nearly the same time. 

But given the Winston Smithing of Harris’ record underway this week by the Protection Racket Media, I didn’t expect CNN to remember it. But here we are:


Vice President Kamala Harris voiced support for “defund the police” in a radio interview in June 2020 amidst nationwide protests for police reform, just months before denouncing the movement after she had joined the Biden presidential campaign.

Harris said in the June radio interview the movement “rightly” called out the amount of money spent on police departments instead of community services such as education, housing, and healthcare, emphasizing that more police did not equate to more public safety.

“This whole movement is about rightly saying, we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities,” Harris said on a New York-based radio program “Ebro in the Morning” on June 9, 2020, adding that US cities were “militarizing police” but “defunding public schools.”

Nor is that the only example cited by CNN. They also mention Harris’ praise for then-mayor Eric Garcetti’s decision to cut $150 million from the chronically underfunded budget of the Los Angeles Police Department in the immediate wake of the George Floyd riots. At the same time, Harris went on Good Morning America  on June 9, 2020 to defend the Defund the Police movement, and attack its critics as spreading “fear” about rethinking the public-safety paradigm. Harris told Stephanopoulos that schools and jobs would mean less need for police, and explicitly endorsed Garcetti’s LAPD budget cut:


Harris kept insisting that “we have defunded public schools in America” and implied that the money went to police instead. That’s a ludicrous claim, especially in Los Angeles. In the six years preceding the Floyd riots, LAUSD spending per pupil rose from $8400 to $11,560, an increase of almost thirty-eight percent in just six years. The district had a budget crisis not because of ‘investment’ in schools but because the costs of pensions and retiree benefits went from 24% of the budget to 33% of the budget over the same period.

In just the single year before the Floyd riots, the Census Bureau reported that per-pupil spending had increased 5% nationwide. Their revenue increased at almost the same rate:

According to new Annual Survey of School System Finances tables, released today by the U.S. Census Bureau, per pupil spending for elementary and secondary public education (pre-K through 12th grade) for all 50 states and the District of Columbia increased by 5.0% to $13,187 per pupil during the 2019 fiscal year, compared to $12,559 per pupil in 2018. This is the largest increase in more than a decade. Data for this report covers the fiscal year before the COVID-19 pandemic.

The spending increase was due in part to an overall increase in revenue. In 2019, public elementary and secondary schools received $751.7 billion from all revenue sources, up 4.5% from $719.0 billion in 2018.


Harris spent the summer of 2020 demagoguing on behalf of Defund the Police, until Joe Biden added her to the ticket at the Democrat National Convention. She made ludicrous claims to support reducing law enforcement resources, especially in urban environments that had been relatively successful until then in keeping crime rates at historic modern lows. The result? An explosion of both violent and property crime that only recently has begun to subside, and only because cities reversed the policies that Harris championed at the time.

At least CNN reports this honestly from its archives. In Minneapolis, the local CBS affiliate WCCO attempted to claim this week that Harris had no connection to a bail fund that freed a Floyd rioter who later went on to commit murder. That immediately drew a community note from Twitter, but RNC Research dug further and found an interview with Harris where she was confronted on the issue — an interview by WCCO, in fact, from 2022:

The problem with the MFF was that the riots in the Twin Cities were not “peaceful protests.” They weren’t even “mostly peaceful.” The riots cost lives and resulted in billions of dollars in destruction, and the economic collapse of Minneapolis in its wake. The MFF, which Harris actively promoted at the time and since, did not restrict its bail funds to non-violent defendants either. (Not to mention that the police were too overwhelmed to arrest people for just standing around and holding signs, of course.)


And yes, as of this morning, the tweet promoting the MFF still lives on Harris’ Twitter account:

This is who Harris is — an ill-informed, undisciplined shill for the radical Left. And too many in the Protection Racket Media have already begun a Soviet-style culling of the archives to hide Harris’ history and true nature from voters in this cycle as their part in The Anointment. Kudos to CNN for resisting the impulse, at least in this instance. 

Arson, Rapes, Robberies & Russia, Russia, Russia: Ghastly Turn for Some in Paris for the Games

Arson, Rapes, Robberies & Russia, Russia, Russia: Ghastly Turn for Some in Paris for the Games 9

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Arson, Rapes, Robberies & Russia, Russia, Russia: Ghastly Turn for Some in Paris for the Games 10

I think we all had a pretty fair inkling that things in Paris during the Olympics were going to be spicy. Considering how the French street demonstrations go anytime their Left, anarchists, unions, or [Beege adds:] their hefty Islamic immigrant population melts down in a tantrum, we would be perfectly justified in betting on “lit af.”


But we hadn’t even seen the opening ceremonies yet, and I don’t think anyone thought that these crazies would be trying to light things off so spectacularly quite so soon.

These lunatics are mass-chaos-inducing murderous maniacs.

The sabotage was widespread over the high-speed rail system so many French depend on for transportation, obviously well coordinated and timed to cause the ultimate in travel chaos and gridlock. My Lord, what if one of these trains had derailed at or near speed?

Arson attacks on France’s rail network have taken place in what authorities are calling a “massive attack to destabilize the railway system,” just hours before the 2024 Paris Olympic Games opening ceremony is set to take place.

Trains at all major Paris stations have been delayed after fires and at least 800,000 people have been affected in the “arson attacks were set to damage our installations,” according to a statement from rail company, SCNF.

Authorities have not called this a terror attack, but fires began to be reported overnight at 4 a.m. local time and that trackside signal boxes have were set on fire and cables on the lines had been cut, which has caused major disruptions in the north and east of France.

“Coordinated malicious acts targeted several TGV lines last night and will seriously disrupt traffic until this weekend,” said the French transport minister. “I strongly condemn these criminal actions which will compromise the departures on vacation of many French people.”

France’s high-speed rail lines seem to be the intended target, officials said Friday morning, as fires were set along three lines while a fourth fire on another line was stopped.


The railway line says it will take at least all weekend to repair the damage and is warning people to delay their trips to Paris. 

If you had tickets to events or a block of rooms for only certain days, I guess you’re effectively screwed unless you can get there some other way. Neither of those will wait for you and I’m pretty sure there aren’t many terrorism refunds available to compensate for your trip interruption.


Long before today’s dastardly deeds, French authorities were already on edge. In the weeks before the opening ceremonies, they disrupted several plots aimed at destabilizing or disrupting the Games.

They even bagged themselves a scheming Russian TV chef who was reported to be cooking up some outside-the-kitchen chaos.

French authorities have foiled several plots to disrupt the 2024 Olympics, including the arrest of a Russian chef involved in one of them, officials have said.

These developments come just days before the opening ceremony of the Summer Games in Paris.

…Paris prosecutors said on Wednesday they had arrested a 40-year-old Russian man on Tuesday at his Paris apartment on suspicion of planning to “destabilise the Olympic Games”.

He was charged with “conducting intelligence work on behest of a foreign power” with an aim to “provoke hostilities in France,” crimes punishable with a 30-year sentence in France, according to a statement from the Paris prosecutor’s office.

Le Monde reported the suspect, known as K, was part of several reality TV cooking shows and worked at Michelin star restaurants and an alpine ski resort. 

The report also alleged, after having too much to drink and being refused to board a flight, the chef was overheard on a phone saying: “the French are going to have an opening ceremony like there has never been before.”


They have to admit things could have gone a lot smoother, and there’s a long way to go. The yips have to be high. 

Well before the Games were due to begin, resident Parisians took to warning visitors, particularly young women tourists, to be aware of their surroundings, areas that were unsafe, and to never travel alone.

Young French women made matter-of-fact informational videos that were simply chilling. In them, they relate how they deal with their own daily encounters, the true state of affairs in the city, and advise how to stay safe on the streets of Paris.

Sadly, last weekend the warning was too late for a 25-year-old Australian woman who stumbled into a Paris kebab shop at 5 a.m., begging for help and with a ghastly story to tell.

French police are investigating claims a 25-year-old Australian woman was raped by five men in Paris, days before the city is set to host the Olympic Games.

The Paris prosecutor’s office confirmed officers were investigating the charge of gang rape, “likely to have been committed on the night of July 19 to 20, 2024”.

Reports of the alleged assault in the early hours of Saturday morning in the French capital’s famous Montmartre party precinct, began circulating in French media on Monday.


Not four days later, as the Olympics swung into gear, media staffers covering their countrymen on Team Australia had their own terrifying brush with Parisian hospitality.

Two Australian tech workers for Channel Nine have escaped serious injury after being attacked during an attempted robbery in Paris.

The pair were in the French capital for the Olympics as part of a 200-strong team working for the Australian TV broadcast rights holders.

Nine newspapers reported that the pair were walking to their accommodation in the municipality of Le Bourget, north-east of Paris, late on Monday afternoon, Paris time, when a group of people attempted to snatch one of their backpacks.

The alleged attack has been reported to police.

In addition to ducking safety concerns outside the gates, athletes appear to be having difficulties finding competitive-type nourishment inside the gates.

Apparently, the French version of “sustainable” food isn’t all it’s cracked up to be when it comes to a protein-rich diet for elite-level competitors.

It also helps if what real meat is available is, like, cooked thoroughly. 


The Olympics’ opening ceremony hasn’t even begun yet, but one serious issue has already emerged surrounding the Games.

According to The Times of London, food at the Olympic Village has not lived up to the standards befitting international champions — let alone anyone.

British Olympic Association chief executive Andy Anson told the outlet there have been insufficient quantities of chicken, eggs and some carbohydrates, while some meat has been served raw.

…“They are saying the Games are more sustainable and there is way more plant-based food but sometimes if you go at peak times it’s challenging to even get a piece of chicken,” an anonymous British athlete said.


In the “Filed Under Pathetic” news, there’s already been a cheating scandal in women’s soccer – good grief. The Canadian coach has been sent home in disgrace after flying a drone over the New Zealand team’s practice session at the beginning of the week.

The Canada women’s soccer team will now be without head coach Bev Priestman for the rest of the Paris Olympics.

Canada Soccer announced Thursday that, after their 2-1 win over New Zealand to kick off the Games earlier in the day, Priestman was being suspended and sent home from the Olympics in the wake of their drone spying scandal. Assistant coach Andy Spence will serve as the team’s interim coach throughout the rest of the Olympics.

Though a Canada Soccer staffer was caught flying a drone over New Zealand training earlier this week in France, which is what sparked the scandal in the first place, the issue has apparently been going on for quite some time. According to TSN, both the men’s and women’s national teams have “relied on drones and spying for years.” They even apparently used them to film closed-door training sessions of opponents during the women’s team’s gold medal run in the 2021 Olympics in Tokyo, and the following summer as they were attempting to qualify for the Women’s World Cup.

In the good old days, that would have been battlefield prep, but one would have done it from a hill with a properly named spyglass.

As for our own scandal, she’s there.


You’d better believe she wasn’t going to miss this for anything.

Probably why POTATUS didn’t resign the other night, as many bet he was going to.

Makes you wonder about that bruised chin, though. Maybe he thought about it for a split second and made the mistake of saying so.

Is Dr Jill a righty?

Just kidding, JUST KIDDING.

Is she?

New Swing State Poll: Race Is Basically the Same as When Biden In

New Swing State Poll: Race Is Basically the Same as When Biden In 11

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Polls this soon after the Democrats pulled their switcheroo, replacing Biden with Harris, are of limited utility since there will be something of a reset as people wrap their mind around such a seismic change. 


But it sure looks like the “honeymoon” for Kamala is being spent in East St. Louis, not the Bahamas. She will be celebrating her ascent to the top of the ticket with cheap vodka and hot dogs rather than fruity drinks with umbrellas on the beach. 

The Telegraph–one of my favorite newspapers–is doing massive swing state polling throughout the campaign, and their latest poll just came out, and it’s not good news for Kamala

There has been a bit of movement so far in the polls, but as a practical matter, the race remains about where it was over the past month or so. What may have changed–and we won’t know for a few weeks more, is whether momentum has shifted. No one snapshot can tell if there is some directional shift going on. And given how recently the switcheroo took place, it’s impossible to assess whether the massive gaslighting campaign to boost Kamala way above her level of competence will have much impact. 

This week’s swing states tracker is our first since Joe Biden announced that he was ending his bid for re-election on Sunday. Consequently, our hypothetical voting intention poll this week pits Kamala Harris, who appears most likely to become the Democratic nominee, against Donald Trump, who last week formally accepted the Republican nomination.

Today, in our ninth edition of this tracker, our Presidential Voting Intention poll of 6,927 swing state voters finds Donald Trump leading Kamala Harris in seven out of the nine potential swing states.

In a hypothetical match-up between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. included as an independent candidate, Trump leads Harris by between two and eight points in seven of the states, while Trump and Harris are tied in Wisconsin (44% each). Harris leads Trump in Minnesota by three points (44% vs 41%).

Compared to last week’s swing states polling, in which Joe Biden was prompted as the Democratic nominee, Donald Trump’s lead over Harris is wider than it was last week over Biden in both Florida (eight points, +1) and Michigan (three points, +2), while his lead remains unchanged in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s lead over Kamala Harris is narrower than it was over Biden in three states: Arizona (three points, -1), Nevada (two points, -1), and North Carolina (three points, -3).

For context, in the 2020 Presidential Election, Joe Biden carried Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, while Donald Trump defeated Biden in both Florida and North Carolina.


If I were in Harris’ team I wouldn’t be panicking yet–they are just getting booted up on the campaign to completely reshape the narrative about Kamala. But unlike Josh Shapiro or Mark Kelly, Kamala is handicapped by people having preformed opinions about her. They may be weakly set in people’s minds, but any campaign to remake Harris faces the need to remake already existing opinions completely. 

Both of those men are on the shortlist for Vice President, but Kelly has the problem of being, well, boring, and Shapiro has the problem of being a strong supporter of Israel, which puts him at odds with Kamala Harris and the Democratic base. Average Democrats would probably like Shapiro as a basically normal and likable candidate, but the violent base would go crazy if he is put on the ticket. 

Shapiro has the advantage of being a popular governor in Pennsylvania, which could literally be the Keystone (see what I did there?) to a victorious coalition. 

Not that it matters. Nobody votes for VP. They make an initial impact, and then nobody cares about them. 

New Swing State Poll: Race Is Basically the Same as When Biden In 12The issue terrain favors Trump, although Kamala has the advantage–surprise, surprise–on abortion. This will definitely motivate some moderate women, but it moves mostly AWFLs who would never vote for Trump in any case.

In terms of the key issues voters say will determine how they vote in 2024, the economy remains the single most important issue for pluralities of voters in every swing state. Abortion and immigration are the second and third most commonly cited issue in each state, respectively.

When voters are asked how important various issues will be in determining how they vote in November, between 60% and 75% say the cost of living will be ‘extremely’ important, making it, by far, the most important issue. The cost of healthcare is the second most frequently sighted issue as being ‘extremely’ important in every state (52%-61%), except in Arizona where election integrity is the second most commonly selected ‘extremely’ important issue (53%).

Around half of all voters in each state consider election integrity (45%-56%), taxation (44%-54%), abortion (44%-54%), policing/crime (43%-52%) and illegal immigration (42%-51%) as ‘extremely’ important in determining their vote.


Oliver Wiseman at The Free Press has written a good piece on one key dynamic in the election: it is testosterone vs. estrogen, and both candidates are leaning into that. 

Soon afterward, the Harris campaign rebranded its X account with a brat theme—copying the chartreuse tones and fuzzy lowercase font of Charli’s album cover. (Kat Rosenfield calls brat the “living embodiment of feminism as imagined by Gen Z.” Read her column all about that here.)

Up against Kamala the Brat, we have Trump the Macho Man. 

Trump—an egotistical billionaire who boasts about “grabbing them by the pussy” and was found liable for sexual assault by a New York jury—has long been synonymous with “toxic masculinity.” 

But after an assassination attempt on July 13, his undeniably badass reaction—raised fist, blood on his face, yelling “fight”—demonstrated some less toxic virtues and resonated with American men. “Hardest edit of all time,” commented Dave Portnoy, founder of Barstool Sports and tribune of the American bro, when he posted a video of the attack soundtracked by 50 Cent’s “Many Men (Wish Death)”—a song about surviving being shot. 

The two candidates embody many of the divides in American politics—young vs. old, progressive vs. populist—but none as important as the gender gap. This divide has been growing for years. In February, Gallup showed that young American men tend to be conservative while their female counterparts are becoming increasingly left-wing. Women between the ages of 18 and 30 are now 30 points more liberal than men their age.


Interestingly, I think this benefits Trump, given the economic demographics of the swing states. Pennsylvania and Michigan are very blue-collar, relatively speaking, and Kamala is unlikely to appeal to many of the voters there. Kamala speaking to oil industry workers in Pennsylvania will not appeal, and I doubt the blue-collar manufacturing and union folk will go all-in on her either. 

I expect Kamala’s polls to get a bounce, but she has a lot of work to do to reshape her image, and she isn’t exactly Morgan Freeman or David Attenborough when it comes to being pleasant to listen to. She is off-putting, and her defenders will focus on race and gender to defend her. 

I doubt that sexism is the #1 concern of hurting Americans. 

Can Kamala win? Absolutely. However, it will be an uphill climb, and she will need some help from Trump. Trump needs to run a disciplined campaign, which he has, and do so through to the election–something that will be equally difficult for him as being likable is for Kamala. 

Stay tuned. Polls two weeks from now will show if Kamala has a trend to ride on. 

Majority Agree: Kamala Covered Up Biden Senility

Majority Agree: Kamala Covered Up Biden Senility 13

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Majority Agree: Kamala Covered Up Biden Senility 14

So it’s not just a vox populi panel in Wisconsin — on MSNBC, no less —  that smells the stench of cover-up from Kamala Harris. The Anointing has apparently not ended the electorate’s interest in the chaotic month that followed the exposure of Joe Biden’s cognitive impairment on national TV in a prime-time debate. And voters who saw through the attempts to cover it up afterward have firm ideas on exactly who to blame for the shocking display.


A new YouGov poll conducted with the Times of London asked all of the usual electoral questions, but then added a section to test what Americans concluded from the debacle. The survey was taken on Monday and Tuesday of this week, after Biden withdrew from the race but while he remained in a weird seclusion while more chaos swirled in Washington. The New York Post picked up on the results last night:

92% of voters blame Kamala Harris for Biden health coverup: poll

What did the vice president know about President Biden’s health issues and when did she know it?

And why didn’t she share the details with the American people? …

A staggering 92% of respondents believe Harris knew at least a little bit about the president’s progressive deterioration, which became too much for even mainstream media to deny after his debate debacle against former President Donald Trump last month in Atlanta, though Biden’s issues have been discussed openly on the right since he took office in 2021.

That’s not quite right, and their headline is also inaccurate. And that’s unfortunate, because the actual numbers are damning as it is. A wide majority of registered-voter respondents believe a cover-up took place (54/30). The 92% figure comes as a subset of the 54% that believe a cover-up took place. It’s accurate to extrapolate that into a claim that a majority of American voters believe that Kamala Harris took part in that cover-up, but not that 92% of voters do.


But still, that in itself is rather damning. Let’s take a closer look at the YouGov data. On the overall question of a cover-up of Biden’s “health,” the only demos that object to the idea are Democrats (20/57), self-assessed liberals (24/56), and black voters (25/48). Every other demo has pluralities or majorities believing a cover-up took place. That includes 60% of independent voters, 50% of voters under 30, 50% of Hispanics, 48% of women, and majorities in every regional breakout in the data. 

Now, among the 54% that believe a cover-up took place, they identify the following as complicit:

  • Kamala Harris – 92%, 68% by “a great deal”
  • The news media – 88%, 59%
  • The Biden family – 96%, 84%
  • Congressional Democrats – 92%, 61%
  • White House staff – 95%, 77%

It seems that angry voters have cast a wide net to capture the breadth of the conspiracy to cover up Biden’s advancing senility. And they are correct to do so, and largely correct to place most of the blame on the Bidens and the White House staff. But as Karine Jean-Pierre insisted on Wednesday, Harris meets or talks with Biden on a daily basis, which means her complicity is almost equally egregious.

Here’s the demo breakdown among those who think (a) a cover-up took place (54% of the total sample), and (b) Harris had a great deal of responsibility for it (68% of the subset of 54%):


  • Men: 70%
  • Women: 66%
  • Independents: 73%
  • Midwesterners: 78%
  • Seniors: 80%
  • 45-64YOs: 79%
  • Hispanics: 53%

That’s not good news for a party that needs to recover the center that booting Joe Biden arguably risks. The only demos that let Harris off the hook for a great deal of responsibility are the usual suspects — 22% of Democrats, 38% of voters under 30, 30% of black voters. And even then, adding the next level of “somewhat responsible) pushes those demos into majorities: 58% of Democrats who see a cover-up, 65% of voters under 30, and a 45% plurality among black voters. 

Democrats would have been far better off nominating a governor rather than an insider under the circumstances. If Republicans hammer this cover-up as a key election issue, it could do real damage, not just in the presidential election but all the way down the ballot. 

One other interesting data point from the poll should be noted in that context. Even after Biden endorsed Harris on Sunday afternoon, only 50% of respondents think Harris was the best choice to replace Biden. That rises to 77% among Democrats and black voters, but only 51% of women think that she was the best choice, even after Harris became the fait accompli anointed choice. This does note bode well for any groundswell of enthusiasm for a candidate who has yet to receive a single vote on her own outside of California. 


The direct electoral data doesn’t look promising either. Harris only managed to get her favorability up to 42/52, with 27/43 on the “very” ratings, even after being endorsed by an even less popular Joe Biden (39/54, 24/45). Trump gets a 44/50 from the same sample and 33/46 on the outer markers. That’s probably why the usually Dem-leaning YouGov shows Trump with a 46/44 lead, even in the “honeymoon” blush of The Anointment. 

Watch the Narrative Be Created

Watch the Narrative Be Created 15

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Watch the Narrative Be Created 16

Crises can be clarifying because you can see in real time how people react. You get an unfiltered glimpse into the character of a person or a system. 

It’s stress testing. We saw during the pandemic just how corrupt our medical and public health institutions are. We saw the money grabs, the stacking of the decks against ordinary people, the willingness to risk others’ lives, the vicious totalitarian strain, and the suppression of dissent. And, perhaps most of all, the deep deep corruption of the teachers’ unions and the school systems. 


School choice is now being implemented across the country largely because of Randi Weingarten, head of the American Federation of Teachers. 

Over the past month, another stress test was done on our political and media ecosystem, and if you hadn’t had your eyes open to how corrupt the media are, you have no excuse now. 

In the span of a month, we have gone from “Joe Biden is sharp as a tack” to “Kamala Harris was never the Border Czar.” 

2024 makes 1984 look like an instruction manual. The mainstream media, big tech, the Democrat Party, and the Hollywood Elite are working overtime to rewrite history moment by moment. 

The word goes out and history is rewritten. 

Suddenly you see “fact checks” that insist that what was true–and repeated in the mainstream media–is now no longer true, and nobody ever said it. Never. Not true. 


Border Czar? That’s a “Right Wing talking point!” 

I have followed with fascination the editing war going on at Wikipedia. One moment Kamala was the Border Czar. The next, she wasn’t, and all references to that fact are wiped. Then it reappears as a different editor replaces the changes. And so on.

It is a metaphor for the “reality” we live in, with facts blinking on and off at the whim of the storytellers. 

After the Monica Lewinski affair, I learned something disturbing: shamelessness is a superpower. A President of the United States could lie under oath and it simply wouldn’t matter if he shrugged and said “Move on.” I thought the affair was tawdry, but not impeachable. But lying under oath was still a big deal to me, but since Clinton stuck it out it became “old news.”


It seems quaint now to worry about such niceties. Today and entire information apparatus is mobilized to completely reshape reality for the pleasure and benefit of a ruling clique. The level of contempt for you and me is infinite. The level of value given to our wishes or even our lives is zero. 

A big problem we have trying to convince people of how evil the Establishment and especially the mainstream media is is that most people cannot deal with the fact that people we have trusted are sociopaths willing to destroy anything to get what they want. 

It’s like the people who got ripped off by Bernie Madoff who never could conceive that he was a crook. Even after he was caught, many of his clients thought it was a mistake. 

Not Bernie! He has been so good to me! 

Not only are there really sociopaths in the world, but most people in the Establishment and the mainstream media are sociopaths, and their desperation to retain power has given us a rare glimpse into how willing they are to stab us all in the back. 


Their ONE JOB, we are told, is, to tell the truth without fear or favor, and we have witnessed in the span of weeks, and sometimes even minutes, complete reversals, memory-holing, lies, and gaslighting at a level unimaginable unless you realize that what you believed them to be was merely a mask. 

It is a con job, and you are the mark. 

Big Tech is currently tweaking the algorithms–YouTube is already pointing you to “fact checks” about Kamala, pushing propaganda on you, upvoting positive videos and downvoting negative ones to tweak what you see. 

Once you see the manipulation, you can’t unsee it. 

Our elite sees ordinary Americans as about as valuable as lab rats. We have some utility for them, of course, and as long as we have value, they will treat us well. But if we ever get in the way of their desires, their ambitions, or even their kinks these days, they will do everything they can to crush us. 

It’s clarifying to understand this, if not comforting. 


Many people have seen the mask come off because of this bizarre turn of events. How many will grasp the significance and respond accordingly? 

I don’t know. But it just may be enough to give us a coalition to take back our country. 

Phoning It In, Literally: Obamas Endorse ‘My Girl Kamala!’ Via Eavesdropping Video

Phoning It In, Literally: Obamas Endorse 'My Girl Kamala!' Via Eavesdropping Video 17

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Phoning It In, Literally: Obamas Endorse 'My Girl Kamala!' Via Eavesdropping Video 18

They made it weird.

For the last few days, the only Democrats of note to have not endorsed Kamala Harris were both named Obama. Everyone else had climbed on board within the first 48 hours of Joe Biden’s surrender under fire totally voluntary withdrawal from the nomination. The delay even had mainstream media outlets scratching their heads; NBC News yesterday reported that the endorsement would come “soon,” and most presumed that the Obamas and the Harris campaign had a plan for a spectacular event that would help lift and complete The Anointment.


Instead, we got this cheesy sequence a few hours ago that looks like an idea lifted from a reality-TV series. Oh, look who’s calling the star today! 

What … the Obamas couldn’t even FaceTime the endorsement? Even Chuck Schumer got up in front of a camera to endorse Harris. The Obamas couldn’t be bothered to turn the iPhone camera on for a glimpse in the video. 

And just like in bad reality-TV shows — and I watch a lot of this genre on HGTV — we’re supposed to believe that this is just an extemporaneous phone call, somehow magically captured on camera while Harris strolls down a street. Hey, it’s the Obamas! I wonder what they could want? Gee, their kitchen remodel is at a delicate stage! 

The Harris campaign wants to use this as a show of unity. It looks more like the Obamas couldn’t be bothered to make an effort with their endorsement, so the campaign just got them on a call and recorded it.

Get ready for a lot of fawning coverage about this in the media, though, because either they’re suckers enough to buy this as an “emotional moment,” or they think you are. Case in point — the Daily Beast, which initially headlined this as “an emotional video” (see the URL) before coming to their senses:


The 55-second ad sees Harris taking a call from the Obamas while seemingly walking backstage at a campaign event. Obama’s distinctive voice breaks in over the phone immediately: “Kamala!”

After Michelle greets her as well, the video cuts to a title card—“The Obamas Call Kamala”—before shifting to show the vice president standing in front of a black SUV. Holding the phone to her ear with the speakerphone button visibly on, Harris says, “It’s good to hear you both.”

“I can’t have this phone call without saying to my girl Kamala: I am proud of you,” Michelle says. “This is going to be historic.”

“We called to say, Michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you, and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office,” Barack adds.

“Oh my goodness,” Harris responds, grinning. “Michelle, Barack, this means so much to me.”

Much emotional! So extemporaneousy!

Coming up next on The Bachelor: Contestants wait by their phones to see if they get a rose emoji texted to them!

Anyway. This bizarre and low-energy exercise more or less confirms what we all assumed ever since the rest of the Democrat establishment went all-in on The Anointment. The Obamas were always going to support the nominee no matter who it was; had Biden refused to leave, they would have endorsed him too. 

In that sense, this is less an endorsement and more an affirmation among conspirators who spent the last couple of years hiding Biden’s cognitive infirmities from voters even through primaries that they rigged to avoid any real competition. Now that the fraud has been exposed thanks to the June 27 debate, the only choice they have is to circle the wagons and see if they can avoid any accountability for it. That includes the Protection Racket Media, which climbed aboard the Harris train even before the Obamas did, and have been scrubbing their archives to remove anything that paints Harris in a negative light.


She’s not just “my girl Kamala!” to the Obamas. She’s now “my girl Kamala!” to the entire progressive elite.

Which prompts the question: Is the use of ‘Kamala” rather than Harris now no longer sexist/racist/transphobist/etc-ist?

Update: I changed the headline a bit to emphasize how bad this looks. The Obamas literally phoned it in. 

FBI Director Goes Conspiratorial on Trump Shooting. Trump Responds

FBI Director Goes Conspiratorial on Trump Shooting. Trump Responds 19

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FBI Director Goes Conspiratorial on Trump Shooting. Trump Responds 20

We’ve come to expect this sort of thing from Rosie O’Donnell or any of the ladies at The View, but not from the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation when he’s testifying under oath before the House Judiciary Committee. Christopher Wray was being questioned on Wednesday evening as part of the ongoing investigation into the assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania. Wray was asked if the Bureau had managed to locate all eight of the bullets fired by Thomas Crooks, but his answer veered off from “just the facts” to one of the wild conspiracy theories that have been making the rounds ever since. Wray suggested that “there’s some questions about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel that hit near his ear.” Where is Wray getting his news from these days? TikTok? (NY Post)


The head of the FBI made the stunning assertion Wednesday that former President Donald Trump may not have been struck by an actual bullet when a deranged gunman attempted to assassinate him at a political rally — and was instead injured by shrapnel.

FBI Director Christopher Wray told the House Judiciary Committee in a hearing that it was not clear precisely what caused the injury to Trump’s ear during the shooting.

“With respect to former President Trump, there’s some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear,” Wray said in response to a question from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio).

These ongoing efforts to somehow minimize what happened to Trump are strictly political theater being conducted in an attempt to beat back the surge in support that the former President has seen since being shot. We’ve come to expect this from MSNBC and CNN, but we should at least be able to expect better from the head of the FBI. Trump’s doctors have described the wound precisely and treated it accordingly. The bullet grazed his inner ear and blew out the top portion of the outer ear. Obviously he was shot. We have the rifle and we presumably have the body of the shooter. That part of the case is closed. For Pete’s sake, even the New York Times is now admitting that Trump was shot.


On top of that, Corey Comperatore is dead and two other people were gravely wounded. Neither of the teleprompters was damaged. Yes, it’s important to find all eight of the bullets as part of a thorough investigation and it’s rather amazing that the FBI hasn’t been able to locate them all yet. (Or if they have they’re not telling us.) But then there are many parts of the FBI’s investigation thus far that simply don’t pass the smell test. The Director of the Bureau being unable to say whether the primary target was actually shot or not more than a week later is just one more dubious item to toss on the pile.

Trump and his people were having none of it. Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung told the Post, “Anyone who believes this conspiracy bulls–t is either mentally deficient or willfully peddling falsehoods for political reasons.” That’s the correct analysis as far as I’m concerned, and it was my immediate reaction upon hearing about Wray’s testimony. Trump caught wind of the story a bit later and took to Truth Social to lay into Wray. 


FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress yesterday that he wasn’t sure if I was hit by shrapnel, glass, or a bullet (the FBI never even checked!), but he was sure that Crooked Joe Biden was physically and cognitively “uneventful” – Wrong! That’s why he knows nothing about the terrorists and other criminals pouring into our Country at record levels. His only focus is destroying J6 Patriots, Raiding Mar-a-Lago, and saving Radical Left Lunatics, like the ones now in D.C. burning American flags and spray painting over our great National Monuments – with zero retribution. No, it was, unfortunately, a bullet that hit my ear, and hit it hard. There was no glass, there was no shrapnel. The hospital called it a “bullet wound to the ear,” and that is what it was. No wonder the once-storied FBI has lost the confidence of America!

I previously concluded that there probably wasn’t any sort of conspiracy brewing behind the actions of Thomas Crooks. (Though I am prepared to be proven wrong if more evidence emerges.) He was most likely just an isolated, lonely, and clearly psychotic kid who was desperate to achieve some sort of recognition in life and who studied the actions of past presidential assassins as role models. The real conspiracy started almost as soon as the shooting was over and its goal was to thwart Donald Trump’s bid to return to office. It would appear that Christopher Wray has accepted a role in this conspiracy drama and he is willing to mislead Congress while testifying under oath to do so. This is truly disgraceful to observe.
