Settled at Birth: Garden State Newborns Can Be Boys, Girls, Trans or Genderqueer

This post was originally published on this site

Isn’t socialized…wait.

I meant, isn’t socialist medicine something?

Gosh darn – the wonders of it.

In what’s left of England and it’s National Health System, a routine appointment to see a doctor – any doctor – for a checkup hovers in the 18 day range, less if a toe is rotting off or something. 


A 2005 clip of BBC Question Time has resurfaced online – and offers a stark reminder of just how the NHS has changed over the last 19 years.

The footage, from an election special with then PM Tony Blair, showed members of the audience complaining that they are being offered GP appointments too quickly.

One member of the audience complained: “I can’t get an appointment with my local GP unless it’s made in the next 48 hours.

“I can’t make it three days or four days hence.

“I was told that’s because they can meet their target that everybody gets it within 48 hours.”

The average waiting time for a routine GP appointment now is 19 days, according to NHS England’s website.

In Spain I’m assuming it’s the olive oil that keeps them healthy and lucky thing, as the average wait for an appointment is 77 days.

But it’s by God ‘free.’

In the Garden State, lucky New Jersey residents still get to pay plenty for their healthcare and be seen a little sooner.

Health care premiums shoot up as New Jerseyans begin open enrollment season

But they do have one thing I’ll bet a bunch of us don’t have – the chance to choose their newborn’s sex.


I’m not. I’m talking woke-ass progressives strike again, one of the worst enablers of which has been rodential New Jersey governor Phil Murphy.


So parents with newborns are being handed a survey to fill out, courtesy of a state bill that Murphy signed into law. It has added a new requirement for hospitals, labs, etc, to collect certain data, but do it ‘sensitively.’

 …Specifically, the bill provides that the cultural competency training programs hospitals and clinical laboratories are required to implement under P.L.2021, c.454 are to include training on how to collect race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity in a culturally competent and sensitive manner.   

Seriously. So what happens when you have that new kiddo? You get handed a nosy official piece of paper to fill out with some really weird choices parents need to answer in the baby’s name.

Your child is born! One of the most amazing moments in your life. And then a nurse (or hospital administrative agent) hands you a form asking you if your one-day old child is… bisexual?

That’s what’s apparently happening as you read this article at hospitals across New Jersey, Save Jerseyans.

…On Wednesday, I spoke with our friend state Senator Holly Schepisi (R-39), the legislator who first blew the whistle on New Jersey’s highly-sexualized curriculum standards, who only recently found out about the practice and needless to say was less than happy.

Yesterday it came to my attention that medical providers, laboratories and hospitals are being forced to provide the questionnaire below to NEWBORN patients,” Schepisi explained on her Facebook page. “While completely and utterly insane, these facilities are doing so to comply with another nonsensical law A-4385 passed by the democratically controlled legislature in 2022. This law mandates collection of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity data with no age threshold – hence newborn babies receiving the survey. I will be sponsoring legislation immediately to rescind this absurd requirement which is a waste of medical professional’s time and resources.”


The reporting guidelines (per the state’s FAQs page) for the ‘Race, Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity Information’ or SOGI of patients that labs have to follow is nutzoid.

Here’s a sample: 

Settled at Birth: Garden State Newborns Can Be Boys, Girls, Trans or Genderqueer 1NUTZOID

Every hospital, every lab, etc., etc., etc. has to collect this crap. I cannot imagine what it’s adding to the already higher-than-the-national average that folks in the state pay. And then parents have to fill It out for newborns, too?


As the one hospital CEO said, don’t get mad at us – the state’s requiring this crap.

…On May 18, we implemented a new intake survey that gathers sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) data from patients. We are required to report this data to the New Jersey Department of Health, which shares it with the federal government….

Oh. And that last bit there – ‘shares it with the federal government.’

So, as it started under POTATUS, probably in concert with verminous Murphy, no doubt they wanted to make sure they bumped those bi-sexual/transgender/genderqueer-in-the-womb numbers up to justify all the other child mutilation schemes they had going at the time.

Not to mention all the money flowing to their partners in that unspeakable crime.

There was a lot of that madness going around.


There are still a buttload of lunatic mothers who will check the ‘genderqueer/non-binary’ box because they are guilt-ridden AWFLs who will raise a ‘non-binary’ child instead of a boy or girl. And then slather that checked box on their now four-year-old and tell him how they ‘knew’ the day he was born he was an ‘it.’

…These are not normal numbers… Children are very malleable. They are very impressionable.  

If you reward them for certain kinds of behavior. If they are praised and cherished, I think they’ll be encouraged to do that.  

You are seeing with a lot of these de-transitioners. A lot of these kids got encouraged early and got put on hormone blockers and hormones and got mastectomies and got castrated.  

And now they have deep regret. People don’t want to acknowledge that… They attack those destransitioners.  

We have always thought that young children are not capable of making life-changing decisions at an early age. That’s why we don’t allow 7-year-olds to get tattooed. 

Now all of a sudden, you are allowing 7-year-olds to say I am a girl or I am a boy cut off my breasts and put me on testosterone. That’s craziness.”


So much sickness.

Hopefully, there’s going to be a lot less. 

And real soon.